Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Today is another beautiful day and it is only going to get better. I am excited about many things today. I have found a new track close to the house and I look forward to a great workout today over there. Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sometimes nice things are said.

My marathoning career has lasted for a long time and I have had the opportunity to win some races and set course records. I have also had writers write some very nice things about my marathoning accomplishments this one right is one of the very best. This is an article from this years Big Island International Marathon from Hawaii Herald Tribune. I truly love the Big Island International Marathon one the most beautiful marathons in world also very well organized event.

Aaron Pierson, of Oakland, Calif., holds the men's marathon record with a rocket-fueled time of 2:38:47 in 2003 at 40 years old, an age when runners tend to slow down, not run blazing times.That mark figures to stand for a while. It's a 6:03 minute-per-mile pace, much, much faster than the Ghost's 6:30 pace. A comparable would be Tiger Woods jogging against John Daly.The hare and overweight tortoise, which would be Daly, analogy is a little exaggerated but runners, with a perspective of being either far in front or behind, get the picture
This is one of most interesting analogies I have ever read about me. Thank you very much Hawaii Herald Tribune.

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Friday, March 12, 2010

One more time!!

Well I thought last week was my last blog for awhile but I was wrong. One more time here is my last blog for a while. Projects are done for all of my classes and waiting for final grades and more test to take and it is a comprehensive exam so should be a little in depth. I am ready anyway luckily the weather where I am living currently is starting to cooperate and I should be able to run outside these next few days to get my mind ready for the exam. I have to be honest I am extremely excited for spring and nice weather it puts me in a pretty good mood. I think the best spring time weather is in Japan with the cherry blossoms just going crazy and in some places it so white from the blossoms it looks like snow. It is definitely not snow since the temperatures are around 68 degrees. I think I really hate snow it just took one winter and I am full with snow for some time. Okay let's get back to nice weather and how beautiful Japan is during spring time and there is a great holiday period during spring also. It is called Golden week and everybody is outside enjoying the weather and going places. It is great to run around the Emperor's palace during Golden week it just always seems like a party during that time. I will be honest here again I wish I was in Japan now and enjoying all of the beauty. Right now though I will stick with Michigan and take what it has to offer. I did say for now though.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Finishing up!!!

Well the time is almost here the last week for one class and just one more week for another. This coming week I am going to be so busy writing 2 final projects I will not know if I coming or going. This time around I have put a little more thought into the final project week by being almost finished with both the projects. Therefore being a little less stressed but still a lot of work to do. I must say I have learned a lot in both of my classes this term. Meaning this has been a very productive term. In my anatomy and physiology class I have definitely become more proficient with the human body. The college composition class has put me more out there with my writing and set my fears aside and made me a more proficient writer also. With all of this new found knowledge I feel I am coming much closer to my goal of getting a college degree. I am excited about this term ending soon but I am also excited about having learned so much. I think I will have to get a few runs in this week in order to keep the mind fresh and responsive so I can finish up this term strong. I just want to say thank you to both of my professors for being so helpful and so GREAT!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mind Clearing

I have had some times in school where I thought what am I going to do? I have felt completely lost too many things on my plate. Work, school, personal issues just a major over abundance. There was a time where I just felt I had to focus on school and everything else and forget about running for awhile. That turned out to be a wrong choice. I actually gave up my true love for about three weeks a couple of terms a go and this was a decision to focus more on school. It came to me one day via a former professor of mine that I actually needed running to be more focused and this was a wrong decision. I had known that before but I ignored it and just thought I needed more time to focus solely on studies. How ever during those three weeks of not running my studies were no better if I had been running actually they were a little worse. I stopped and thought about this one day after receiving the email from my former professor. The next day I went out for a 5 mile run and everything came to me. During the run my thinking became very clear I was able to figure out many school problems and also figure out many of my personal issues. I am quite serious about this I had already known about how running clears the mind but I felt I still just needed to focus more on my studies. This five mile run was an enlightening expierence for me. All of my thinking became clear and as soon as I got back behind my computer I finished up a couple of projects and cleaned up a few other things also. I know now I will never JUST study and not run. In conclusion if you can run, walk or something physical while studying I highly recommend it I think you will find it to be an incredible studying tool.